unit 09 Rev. Alexander G. Lecky



  • 1775

    Beginning of American War of Independence

  • 1789

    French Revolution

  • 1791

    Foundation of the United Irishmen in Belfast

  • 1797

    De Latocnaye, Promenade d’un Français dans l’Irlande

  • 1798

    United Irishmen's Rising

  • 1800

    Act of Union abolishes the Irish Parliament and creates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

  • 1811

    John Gamble, Sketches of History, Politics and Manners, Taken in Dublin, and the North of Ireland, in the Autumn of 1810

  • 1813

    John Gamble, A View of Society and Manners, in the North of Ireland, in the Summer and Autumn of 1812

  • 1823

    Catholic Association founded by Daniel O’Connell

  • 1829

    Catholic Emancipation Act allows Catholics to sit in parliament

  • 1831

    Tithe War begins

    Introduction of ‘national’ system of elementary education

  • 1832

    James Glassford, Notes of Three Tours in Ireland in 1824 and 1826

  • 1834

    The Presbyterian minister, Rev. Henry Cooke, addresses a meeting of Conservatives in Hillsborough, calling for the formation of a united pro-union front between Presbyterians and members of the Church of Ireland

  • 1840

    Foundation of the Repeal Association

    General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland formed

  • 1843

    Mr and Mrs S.C. Hall, Ireland: Its Scenery, Character &c, Vol. III

  • 1845

    Potato blight first noticed in September: beginning of Great Famine

  • 1859

    Religious Revival in Ulster

  • 1865

    Micí Mac Gabhann (1865-1948), author of Rotha Mór an tSaoil, born in Cloughaneely, Donegal

  • 1867

    Fenian Rising

  • 1869

    Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland

  • 1870


    Gladstone’s first Land Act


    foundation of Home Government Association by Isaac Butt

  • 1873

    Home Rule League founded

  • 1876

    T.C., “Ulster and its people,” Fraser’s Magazine

  • 1879

    Irish National Land League founded

  • 1884

    Gaelic Athletic Association founded

  • 1885

    Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union founded

  • 1886

    First Home Rule Bill introduced; defeated in the Commons

    Ulster Loyalist Anti-Repeal Union founded

  • 1888

    John Harrison, The Scot in Ulster

  • 1889

    The Scotch-Irish in America: Proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Congress at Columbia, Tennessee

  • 1892

    Ulster Unionist Convention in Belfast

  • 1893


    Second Home Rule Bill introduced


    Gaelic League Formed


    Second Home Rule Bill is defeated in the Lords

  • 1905


    Ulster Unionist Council created


    Sinn Féin policy launched

    Rev. Alexander G. Lecky, The Laggan and its Presbyterianism

  • 1907

    The Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland founded

  • 1908

    Rev. Alexander G. Lecky, In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery

  • 1911

    Parliament Act removes veto of the House of Lords

  • 1912


    Third Home Rule Bill introduced

    September 28

    Ulster Day: Signing of Ulster’s Solemn League and Covenant

  • 1913


    Ulster Volunteer Force founded


    Ulster Unionist Council approves the creation of an Ulster Provisional Government under Sir Edward Carson


    Irish Citizen Army founded


    Irish Volunteers founded

  • 1914


    UVF gun-running


    First World War begins


    Government of Ireland act passed; implementation suspended during the war

  • 1916


    Easter rising in Dublin


    Battle of the Somme

  • 1918


    End of First World War


    General election across the United Kingdom.

  • 1919


    First meeting of Dáil Éireann

    Beginning of War of Independence

  • 1920

    Government of Ireland Act partitions Ireland, creating Northern Ireland (six counties, with a Parliament in Belfast), Southern Ireland (26 counties, with a Parliament in Dublin) and a Council of Ireland

  • 1921


    Opening of the Northern Ireland Parliament by King George V


    Anglo-Irish Treaty ends the War of Independence

    Lynn Doyle, An Ulster Childhood


Rev. Alexander G. Lecky

The Laggan and its Presbyterianism, 1905, and, In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery, 1908.

Rev. Alexander G. Lecky was installed as minister at Ballylennon Presbyterian Church, between Raphoe and Bready, on 5th December 1878. He is best known for two books dealing with the history of Presbyterianism in the Laggan, The Laggan and its Presbyterianism, 1905, and, In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery, 1908.  (1)

The first Presbytery – or church court - in Ireland was set up at Carrickfergus in June 1642. Lecky explains that it consisted of five ministers and four elders. The ministers were the chaplains of the regiments of the Scots army that had been sent over to Ireland in response to the 1641 Rising. The elders were officers in the same regiments. The Presbytery oversaw the activities of all the congregations in Ulster. “In 1654,” he tells us,  “‘The Presbytery’ divided into three sub-Presbyteries, or ‘meetings’, as they were called, viz., Antrim, Down and Laggan…” (In the Days, p. 4)

In the following extracts, he explains how people at the time looked at the way the Scots planters had left a permanent mark on the area.   

It should be remembered, however, that there are two Donegals —an outer and an inner. The former, which is almost wholly Roman Catholic, and from which the County to a large extent takes its character and complexion in the eye of the public, consists of the extensive mountainous districts that lie along the western seaboard, and at some points run far inland. The latter consists of the more flat and fertile country that lies between the mountains and the river Foyle—the eastern boundary of the County. It is largely Protestant, and from a very early period in history has been known as the Laggan, i.e., the low or level country. In the days of the Ulster Plantation, from 1607 onwards, this district, on account of its fertility and also from the fact that the undertakers or persons who obtained the grant of estates in it were chiefly Scotchmen, was largely peopled by immigrants from Scotland, whose descendants, unto this day, till the fields their forefathers then acquired, and keep to the Presbyterian principles they brought with them from their native land. (In the Days, p. 1)

(1)  These two books were published in a collected edition with a Foreword by Rev.William Hanna, The Laggan Presbytery Books, Roots of Presbyterianism in Donegal, n.p. 1978, and reprinted by the Ulster-Scots Agency (2017).



  • 1775

    Beginning of American War of Independence

  • 1789

    French Revolution

  • 1791

    Foundation of the United Irishmen in Belfast

  • 1797

    De Latocnaye, Promenade d’un Français dans l’Irlande

  • 1798

    United Irishmen's Rising

  • 1800

    Act of Union abolishes the Irish Parliament and creates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

  • 1811

    John Gamble, Sketches of History, Politics and Manners, Taken in Dublin, and the North of Ireland, in the Autumn of 1810

  • 1813

    John Gamble, A View of Society and Manners, in the North of Ireland, in the Summer and Autumn of 1812

  • 1823

    Catholic Association founded by Daniel O’Connell

  • 1829

    Catholic Emancipation Act allows Catholics to sit in parliament

  • 1831

    Tithe War begins

    Introduction of ‘national’ system of elementary education

  • 1832

    James Glassford, Notes of Three Tours in Ireland in 1824 and 1826

  • 1834

    The Presbyterian minister, Rev. Henry Cooke, addresses a meeting of Conservatives in Hillsborough, calling for the formation of a united pro-union front between Presbyterians and members of the Church of Ireland

  • 1840

    Foundation of the Repeal Association

    General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland formed

  • 1843

    Mr and Mrs S.C. Hall, Ireland: Its Scenery, Character &c, Vol. III

  • 1845

    Potato blight first noticed in September: beginning of Great Famine

  • 1859

    Religious Revival in Ulster

  • 1865

    Micí Mac Gabhann (1865-1948), author of Rotha Mór an tSaoil, born in Cloughaneely, Donegal

  • 1867

    Fenian Rising

  • 1869

    Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland

  • 1870


    Gladstone’s first Land Act


    foundation of Home Government Association by Isaac Butt

  • 1873

    Home Rule League founded

  • 1876

    T.C., “Ulster and its people,” Fraser’s Magazine

  • 1879

    Irish National Land League founded

  • 1884

    Gaelic Athletic Association founded

  • 1885

    Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union founded

  • 1886

    First Home Rule Bill introduced; defeated in the Commons

    Ulster Loyalist Anti-Repeal Union founded

  • 1888

    John Harrison, The Scot in Ulster

  • 1889

    The Scotch-Irish in America: Proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Congress at Columbia, Tennessee

  • 1892

    Ulster Unionist Convention in Belfast

  • 1893


    Second Home Rule Bill introduced


    Gaelic League Formed


    Second Home Rule Bill is defeated in the Lords

  • 1905


    Ulster Unionist Council created


    Sinn Féin policy launched

    Rev. Alexander G. Lecky, The Laggan and its Presbyterianism

  • 1907

    The Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland founded

  • 1908

    Rev. Alexander G. Lecky, In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery

  • 1911

    Parliament Act removes veto of the House of Lords

  • 1912


    Third Home Rule Bill introduced

    September 28

    Ulster Day: Signing of Ulster’s Solemn League and Covenant

  • 1913


    Ulster Volunteer Force founded


    Ulster Unionist Council approves the creation of an Ulster Provisional Government under Sir Edward Carson


    Irish Citizen Army founded


    Irish Volunteers founded

  • 1914


    UVF gun-running


    First World War begins


    Government of Ireland act passed; implementation suspended during the war

  • 1916


    Easter rising in Dublin


    Battle of the Somme

  • 1918


    End of First World War


    General election across the United Kingdom.

  • 1919


    First meeting of Dáil Éireann

    Beginning of War of Independence

  • 1920

    Government of Ireland Act partitions Ireland, creating Northern Ireland (six counties, with a Parliament in Belfast), Southern Ireland (26 counties, with a Parliament in Dublin) and a Council of Ireland

  • 1921


    Opening of the Northern Ireland Parliament by King George V


    Anglo-Irish Treaty ends the War of Independence

    Lynn Doyle, An Ulster Childhood


Rev. Alexander G. Lecky

The Laggan and its Presbyterianism, 1905, and, In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery, 1908.

In a passage in the earlier text, The Laggan and its Presbyterianism, Lecky discusses the circumstances behind this Plantation as it affected the Laggan district of Donegal:

From this day onward [September 1611] the English and Scotch settlers began to arrive in the Laggan and prepare new homes for themselves there, and as so many of the Laggan undertakers (1) were Scotchmen, and as Scotland was of easy access through the port of Derry, the great majority of the new settlers hailed from 

“The land of mountain and of flood,
Of brown heath and shaggy wood.” (2)

A fact that is testified down to the present day both by their speech and by their names. A Laggan youth in the matter of “braid Scots” could almost hold his own with “Wee MacGreegor,” whilst the family names of the Protestant inhabitants have all a strong Scottish flavour. (The Laggan, p. 7) 

Lecky is clearly interested in the question of language use in the Laggan. What he says should be read alongside what Micí Mac Gabhann had to say from the perspective of one of the Irish-speaking boys Lecky refers to who were sent to the Laggan to work for the local farmers.

The name Laggan has, to a large extent, fallen out of use amongst the inhabitants of the district. The people who most commonly call it by this name nowadays are the inhabitants of the mountainous parts of Donegal, lying between Letterkenny and the western seaboard, whose forefathers were at the time of the Plantation driven out of the Laggan to make room for the English and Scotch settlers… Large numbers of young men and girls from these districts are in the habit of coming to the Laggan to engage as servants with the farmers there, and actuated by a more common-sense principle than are the moving spirits of the Gaelic revival, of which we hear so much at present, these young people look upon this period of service as a not unimportant part of their education, and speak of it as “going up to the Laggan to lift the Scotch”— that is, to learn to speak English. (The Laggan, p. 2)

(1)  “Undertaker” is a technical term used to describe one of the groups of planters in the context of the Ulster Plantation. Undertakers “undertook” - i.e. promised - to do a certain number of things, such as bring over a certain number of Protestant tenants from Scotland or England, build fortified houses and villages and supply tenants with arms.

(2)  This is a quotation from Walter Scott's poem, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, 1805. This passage refers to Scotland.